Next day were compasas, which takeplace in more traditional villages during Carnaval. It's where men dress as women and go touring around the city and in eahc house or business, do a routine of dance and raunchy songs. Each stop lasted for about 30 minutes. Traditional dances, all orchestrated by someone who looked like his name was Herman and like he fixed dishwashers. My goodness. From teenagers to an elderly fellow with gold-rimmed teeth who looked like he enjoyed the bikini top and wig no end. I certainly did! Now this goes on ALL DAY LONG. ALL NIGHT LONG. We had more beer and more botanas, then I took a long nap, and then we're waiting for the bus, the whole crew goes by again. Energizer bunny has met his match. Just as bouncy as ever. This culture exudes sanity and good humor; it was exhilarating and I felt blessed to be there. It would have been impossible without being taken by the hand by a friend who knew all the locals... so much more but the battery in my laptop is getting low. We are going to return to Yobaim tomorrow for the wrap up of Carnaval, and I'll try to get some pix but I feel like such a nerd when I get the camera out. Like I'm lucky enough to be there, I don't want to spoil the moment by being rude....

where I stayed:

from a trip to the ocean

something that I used to do, and have been urged to return to:
title: Hey, Are you in a Green Vase, too?

and here is one of the nice neighborhoods in Merida where I might buy a house:

all for now. Heard it was cold in Pittsfield.......
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