Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Met some great artists at the Artshow in Pittsfield last weekend. I have such mixed feelings about the events, but I'm always so glad to have done it. Standing around talking is a lot of work for me. I'm almost deaf and have trouble comprehending things sometimes, and besides, like a lot of artists, I'd just rather be home working. But part of the work is getting out and talking to people, and seeing them enjoy and understand your work, or seeing them dismiss or dislike it. When they understand your work in ways that you don't, that's even better. When and if they dislike it, it's an opportunity to practice not being so attached to your own opinion of your work, which is very healthy.

Lisa Reinke had some great work, and is also a blogger! Check her site out!

Another Artshow on June 25,26 which I'll be at as well if you missed this one. Also, Art On No - the building where my new studio is - will be having a big open house on Friday June 24 and an Open Studio on June 24, 12-5. 311 North Street!


  1. Hi there, Doug...

    This is your friend, Roni, from El Dorado Hills, California.

    Been thinking a lot about you. Please email me at



  2. Yo, Doug.

    Mom says hi and that you should drop by when you visit Nevada County.

    As long as you're linking bloggers: My site needs hits. :)
