Saturday, January 8, 2005

two great links from boingboing:

young girl prevented from sketching in a museum because the matisse and picassos and what not are COPYRIGHTED.

we've forgotten that the term copyright originally meant "the right to copy" a work. anyway, for how long has it been a practice of artists young and old to copy works in a museum? this is insane. THEY (you know who I mean) want to control everything!

and... another movie based on a Philip K. Dick work - A Scanner Darkly, directed by Art Linklater (Waking Life):

blog on the new movie

images from the movie

PKD is one of my favorite authors. I remember the feeling I had when I read my first (Time Out of Joint) - I ran around in circles in the kitchen at Las Tusas... quoting... !

1 comment:

  1. This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
