Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Possible scheme: getting a temp studio in Vienna (Wien) and paint, then do a show later. Then it occurs to me: do I really want to paint? Better question: what should I be working on now? Orders as if from above, but directions come from within, that is, the gut. How it feels.
I feel like continuing work on Subject to Verification movie.... so ... that's what I'll do...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
goodbye Pittsfield
It's been great as always. Looking forward to getting back West, tho.
Did a reading, a signing, sold some paintings. Feedback from the reading, and those who have read some or all of the book: priceless. It's a bit of a trick to not be attached to good words, praise, but, at the same time, use your skillful means as a producer of some work - you need to know how it works out in the world. and it's gratifying when you hear that it does. But nah, not attached to that. At all.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Woke up before dawn this morning. Feels like something is up.
Squirrel in tree last night said hi but seemed preoccupied, maybe worried.
Send my book to my siblings a couple of days ago. When you're talking memoir, that's scary.
Watched The Last Wave last night. It's a fave, but still the story track eludes me.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
old pictures
Walking the fantastic old tourist district in Vienna, I saw a gallery with this in the window. Nothing like straightforward advertising. What is it about old photos that so entrances us?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Where We Go To Remember Home
Saturday, April 2, 2011
St. Stephen Was Here...
I love modern life: the convenience, the choices, the freedom (at least for me), the power. But I also sense something missing, something displaced by the hunger for acquisition. I guess it's up to each of us to find it in this modern age.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Transformers Were Invented in Pittsfield

Originally uploaded by douglasstruth
Did you know that? This is one of the earliest versions. It was filled with PCB, which was thought to be a kind of nutritious lubricant back in the old days. These things are worth a fortune now.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
As Above So Below

Originally uploaded by douglasstruth
We humans, we're just in the middle of everything. It's up to us whether we send it up, or down.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
have a nice day
I love the what appears to be a third eye on this guide. someday we'll shake hands, fellows well-met, and tell stories of the old days, and laugh, laugh, laugh.
Remember the time... he'll say, and I'll say, No.

Originally uploaded by douglasstruth
I remember the day long ago, in Portland OR, when the People of the Wall revealed themselves to me for the first time. They warned me: don't tell others about us. They said that not out of worry that they might be generally revealed to the world at large, but, as is usual with them, out of concern for my well-being. "No one will believe you," they said. "You'll be committed."
I'm so glad they were wrong. But maybe it means that no one believes anything I say.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Noble Toad

Noble Toad
Originally uploaded by douglasstruth
Don't you wish you had one of these old Douglass Truth Institute Tshirts? I do. All gone, gone, gone. Being used now, I suppose, to clean carburator parts for an old Briggs and Stratton lawn mower engine. Or dusting the parlor. Or sent somewhere, ignominiously, as part of a bale of cotton to be used in paper-making. No one knows what happens when you die.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
sun needed

Originally uploaded by Teahouse of Danger
my toes are complaining about having to be inside shoes all day long. here they are relaxing in Paul Graubard's Pittsfield art studio.
I told him I was working there.
I'm doing this instead of figuring out what the opening for my show is. It's the hardest part, you know. A couple of bad jokes in the beginning and you're saying, like Moms Mabley, "well, you might not like it now, but you'll be glad when it's over..."